This is a follow-up post to "20 of my favorite books". I like to watch movies, too! :) These are in no apparent order. I am one of the few teens of my acquaintance who genuinely enjoys old movies. So, there just may be a few old movies on this list. There are also a few movies that betray the fact that I'm still a kid on the inside. Without further ado, here are 10 movies that I, personally enjoy:
1. Shop Around the Corner (My number 1 favorite movie!)
2. The Inspector General (Danny Kaye is probably my favorite actor.)
3. White Christmas (Danny Kaye again!)
4. Woodlawn
5. Peanuts (CHARLIE BROWN!!!)
6. My Fair Lady
7. Mulan
8. Beauty and the Beast (The only Disney princess movie I have ever enjoyed.)
9. Royal Wedding (Fred Astaire's dancing is amazing in this movie!)
10. Box Trolls (I admit, this is a weird one. I'm not really sure why I find it hilarious.)
Now, I know that "unsocialized" is a trigger word for many homeschoolers. Believe me, I know many homeschoolers who are the furthest thing from unsocialized. I, myself, am not the most social person in the world. When I go to a party or some other kind of social gathering, I'm usually the quiet one in the corner. Even so, I do have several amazing friends that I value highly as some of the best gifts God has given me.
But just what makes a friend? Now, I am not talking about acquaintances. I'm talking about what makes a really good friend.
Well, without further ado, this is my criteria for a good (awesome) friend:
1. Someone you can talk to. They know how to listen. 2. Someone who will help you draw closer to God. 3. Someone who will pray with you when you really need it. 4. Someone who will laugh with you. 5. Someone who will be honest with you. 6. Someone you can trust. 7. Someone who will encourage you. 8. Someone who will stick with you through thick and thin. 9. Someone who believes in you even when you don't believe in you. 10. Someone that you can be goofy around. They won't look at you like you're crazy. In fact, they'll join in! Anyway, that's what I look for in a good friend. Don't forget that these points go both ways. In order to get a good friend, you have to be a good friend!
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.